Let's Grow Together
The vision statement of Summer's Best Two Weeks is: "That all who come would grow an authentic relationship with Jesus Christ and be committed to living transformed lives wherever they go."
God calls us to be active participants in that transformation- at camp, at home, and wherever else we go! We've collected some tools, tips, and resources to help you in your walk with the Lord on the SB2W App.
God calls us to be active participants in that transformation- at camp, at home, and wherever else we go! We've collected some tools, tips, and resources to help you in your walk with the Lord on the SB2W App.

"8 Mile Marks" for Camper Endurance
There are many things that are a part of running the Christian race with endurance and persevering to the end. Here are 8 items we hope will mark your Christian race as you seek to run after Christ daily at home, at school, on the sports field, and everywhere your running shoes take you.
Mile Mark #1- Active in a Local Church
Christian worship, Biblical teaching, Christian community, baptism, and the Lord’s Supper are all very important to maturing and enduring in one’s Christian walk. Hebrews 10:24-25 tells us, “And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near.” Are you an active part of your Church and not just an attendee? Are you involved in the student ministry? Do you have a Bible study with your peers? Do you show up Sunday prepared to worship God? We want to exhort you to be active in a local Church. No Church is perfect, but it is a necessary part of running the Christian race.
Mile Mark #2- Studying God's Word with Others
During your time at SB2W you study the Bible with your counselors and cabin mates. Our Bible study progression goes through five years of encountering Jesus Christ. It begins with studying what Jesus did by studying His miracles. Then we study what the Old Testament has to say about Jesus. We also study what Jesus said about himself, such as I am the way, the truth, and the life. We study what others said about Him. Lastly we study what He taught by looking at His parables. All of these studies give you as a camper the chance to grow in relationship with Jesus Christ and with fellow campers. You then are encouraged to apply what you’ve learned to both your time at camp and your life outside the camp gates. Studying God’s Word with others is an important part of growth. We hope you seek to study God’s Word with other Christians. This often means taking the initiative to start and lead a study yourself, with your peers.
Mile Mark #3- Serving Others
It is very easy for much of Jr. High and High School life to be wrapped up around self, this is why it is important to serve. Serving others is a great way to fight self-absorption. You have been blessed in order that you might be a blessing to others. There are so many ways that you as a young person can serve be it in your church, your home, your school, or your community. How are you serving others on a weekly basis? You might also be thinking about serving outside your community by going on a missions trip with your Church or a reputable missions organization. See our links and resources section for more.
Mile Mark #4- Speaking and Listening to God
We might also call this praying and reading Scripture. Your personal relationship with God is of the utmost importance. Oswald Chambers says, “Get rightly related to God first, maintain that as the great care of your life.” This is why time with God every day speaking with Him and listening to Him is so necessary. The Bible is a living book because it is God-breathed. When you read the Bible you are listening to God, when you pray you are communicating with the living, resurrected LORD JESUS! As a Christian, God’s Spirit is living and dwelling inside of you and also in the Scriptures you’re reading. No other book can make that claim, nor does it have the power to transform your life. In Matthew 6:6 Jesus says, “when you pray, go into your room and shut the door and pray to your Father who is in secret. And your Father who sees in secret will reward you.” There are great benefits for those who diligently seek God in prayer.
Mile Mark #5- Obeying God's Word
Jesus asks in Luke 6:46, “Why do you call me ‘Lord, Lord,’ and not do what I tell you?” To call Jesus Lord is to recognize Him as our master. A servant obeys his master. Jesus says later on in Luke 11:28, “Blessed rather are those who heaer the word of God and keep it!” Pastor Adrian Rodgers says, “Your spiritual train is running on two rails. One is revelation and the other is obedience. And if either rail stops, your train stops. Learn to obey the Word of God.”
Mile Mark #6- Reading About God
One of the great ways to grow in relationship with Christ is to read, not only the Bible, but also books about God. This can be devotional literature, such as My Utmost for His Highest by Oswald Chambers or books like Crazy Love by Francis Chan in which he describes the nature of God’s love for us. While these books should never replace our reading of Scripture they are excellent supplements to our growth. Often they help us better understand what the Bible might be saying in a certain passage. A healthy diet of good reading is so helpful to Christian growth. So often we too easily gravitate to mindless entertainment in our free time. The easiest path is rarely the best one. Take a fast from Facebook, TV, Twitter, and/or you’re IPod this week and challenge yourself to read a good book. Check out our suggested reading lists in the sidebar.
Mile Mark #7- Fleeing Temptation/Seeking Wisdom
Teenage life is full of temptations. It is often a time of great turmoil, change, and confusion as one grows into adulthood. Unfortunately our culture has encouraged adolescent immaturity and immorality instead of adult maturity and responsibility. Navigating the waters of adolescent life can be very difficult and requires wisdom. Seek out relationships with those older than yourself who can help you make wise decisions. Good mentors are very valuable. Know people who can give you godly counsel, who are the type of people that consistently point you back to the Bible as the source for wise living. In 2 Timothy 2:22 Mentor Paul tells younger Timothy, “So flee youthful passions and pursue righteousness, faith, love, and peace, along with those who call on the Lord from a pure heart.” Run away from situations of temptation. The more you get in the habit of fleeing temptation the less likely you are to stumble in running the Christian race.
Mile Mark #8- Competing as a Christian Athlete
We at SB2W believe that the competition field is a place for worship. As Christians we are called to glorify God in all that we do by worshiping with our best. Colossians 3:23 tells us, “Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men.” We compete for an audience of One. The comp talks here at camp are designed to communicate to you as athletes, the essential truths of what it means to compete as a Christian athlete, worshiping God with the athletic talents and abilities God has given you. Remember as you compete outside the camp gates, at home and at school, that you are a witness for Jesus Christ. The Glory Goes to God! Check out the SB2W Competitor’s Creed and SB2W Comp Talk Topics in the Camper Endurance section.